Heliotrope Ridge Trail is clear of snow and in excellent condition all the way to Hogsback Camps. Wildflowers are out and creek crossings have been low. 30-35 dry tent sites are available at Hogsback Camps with another 4-6 dry sites available at Gargoyle Rocks. Running water can currently be found at all campsites.
Please remember to pack out all garbage, including wands, marking tape, food scraps, wrappers, toilet paper, and human waste. Blue bags are available free of charge at the USFS Public Service Center in Glacier, WA. Stop by to pick some up and register for your climb. Good luck and happy climbing!
Coleman Deming - July 21, 2014
15-20 dry tent pads exist at Hogsback Camps at this time with another 4-6 dry sites available at Gargoyle Rocks. Running water is readily available at all campsites.
Recent clear weather has provided optimal climbing conditions and allowed many parties to successfully reach the summit of Mt. Baker via the Coleman Deming route. The route continues to be very direct. The most significant crevasse crossings exist between 8200' and 9000' below the Coleman saddle. This area is also exposed to hanging ice on Colfax Peak and it is not a good place to take a break. Pumice Ridge is snowfree at this time and the rock band towards the top of the Roman Wall is melted out.
Please remember if you packed it in, to pack it out! This includes, flagging, wands, leftover food scraps, micro trash, garbage and human waste. The USFS Visitor Center in Glacier offers blue bags to climbers free of charge, for the removal of your human waste. Stop in to register for your climb and pick some up for your trip. Look forward to seeing you all on the mountain. Happy Climbing!
Coleman Deming - July 7, 2014
Gargoyle rock, roughly 500ft. above Hogsback camps to the east offers snow free campsites with several sources of running water.
Evidence of rockfall at Black Butte camps was seen on the most recent ranger patrol. Be careful not to camp or rest within range of the frequent rockfall hazard from Black Butte ridge.
Please remember if you packed it in, to pack it out! This includes, flagging, wands, leftover food scraps, micro trash, garbage and human waste. The USFS Visitor Center in Glacier offers blue bags to climbers free of charge, for the removal of your human waste. Stop in to register for your climb and pick some up for your trip. Look forward to seeing you all on the mountain. Happy Climbing!